
The need of the Dhofar community in particular and the Omani community in general for more advanced management skills building programs is considered one of the priorities that Dhofar University is trying to fulfill, especially within the framework of its strategic plan. The idea of offering this particular program in the Arabic language aims to make it accessible to the largest number of practicing managers who may not be sufficiently proficient in the English language or need it in their field of work at both the public and private sectors levels. It is natural that the English language is used in the program in specific courses and for specific specialized vocabulary and terminology wherever the academic need requires it. The program aims to qualify students to become successful and competitive administrative leaders in their field of work at the local and regional levels in accordance with international standards, provide them with professional knowledge and analytical thinking skills, and encourage them to be creative and distinguished in an open educational environment to be used in serving the community by enhancing their leadership roles.

  Study Plan