
Research and scholarly activities are an important component of College of Commerce and Business Administration (CCBA) at Dhofar University. This gives the College of Commerce and Business an opportunity to make a difference with respect to diversity of approaches and perspectives in the business world in the Sultanate. Research at CCBA helps in creating new knowledge, discovering new ideas essential for driving the future of business, society and mankind at large. It fosters professional excellence in our faculty which helps them in delivering education and training to our students which stands out. Research helps our faculty in developing contemporary relevant market friendly curriculum which has economic, societal and environmental impact both regionally and internationally.

Critical thinking skill is an important component required for research. It is proved that when our students are engaged in research are better prepared to face the realities of the business world as the next generation of practitioners and business leaders. Doing research creates lifelong learners and here at CCBA we believe that great learners make the best / great teachers.

The Research Council is at the apex level in pursuit of research excellence and to create conducive environment for Research and Innovation in the region. At the University level we have the University Research Board involved in fostering and improving the research environment by formulating guidelines and policies for research and faculty development. There is a representation of members from all the colleges in the University Research Board. The Research board at the University level supports activities of faculty in the College of Commerce and Business by providing various grants like, Conference Grant (to attend National and International Conferences by faculty), Seed Grant (to help faculty start up research in specific areas of interest in Oman to initiate research activities), and Research Publication Incentives (Awards for motivating the faculty members who have published in scholarly journals with impact factor). At the college level we have the College Research Committee which is engaged on multiple fronts in supporting, development of faculty and creating conducive environment for research. They conduct awareness programs, workshops, seminars and research presentations giving hands assistance to faculty and students.

Roles and Responsibilities

The College Research Committee (CRC) helps to promote research at college level while FPRC is responsible for promoting Research in FP. Its roles and responsibilities include:

  • Promote research and research education within the University.
  • Advise, formulate recommendations and provide information to the University Research Board (URB) on research, research-education, policies, guidelines and procedures.
  • Advise and make recommendations to URB on University’s research operational and strategic plan.
  • Encourage faculty to submit a new research grant to TRC either individually or as a research group. It is desirable that these researches are within the “Oman Research Strategies”.
  • Be responsible for the planning and policy development relating to the improvement of the research activities.
  • Support and Encourage students to participate in Research projects with staff.
  • Support and Encourage faculty members or faculty Research groups to apply for internal research grants.
  • Reviewing the applications submitted by the faculty members for internal Research grants and incentive claims.


Members of the research committee consists of representatives from each department for a term of two-year renewable for a similar term. The Chairperson, his/her assistant and any additional members are appointed by the Dean and the college council.

CCBA Research Committee Members:

  • Dr. Mohammad Ahmar Khan (Chair)
  • Dr. Ilker Yilmaz
  • Dr. Mohammed Al Omari
  • Dr. Aissa Eissa
  • Dr. Abdelbaset Queiri