
DU supports its faculty with following Research Funding schemes:

  1. Conference Grant (CG): to cover trips to regional and international conferences and scientific events.
  2. Seed Grant (SG): to help new faculties start up their research at DU through purchasing of materials and equipment needed to initiate research activities.
  3. Research Publication Incentive (RPI): An award for research productivity for faculty members who have published a paper in a journal indexed in Scopus or Web of science.

Conference Grant (CG):

The Conference Grant is awarded to the faculty members who are interested to present their research work in national and international prestigious conferences. URB strongly believes that this grant will result in an increase in the published research work of the awardees especially in international reputed journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science.

Seed Grant (SG):

Seed grants are intended to provide limited start-up funds for newly appointed faculty members. The department chairperson, the College Research Committee (CRC) and the dean must approve all proposals before submitting them to the URB. Those eligible to apply for Seed Grants are faculty members who have passed their probationary period at DU and are newly appointed or lecturers or instructors who are newly promoted to a professorial rank without having benefited from URB funding prior to the promotion. The applicant should submit the evidence of funds utilization in form of receipts bi annually with the progress report. All property (equipment, materials, stationary etc) must be returned back to DU after the project is completed.

Research Publication Incentive (RPI):

The URB strongly believes that faculty should be awarded for their research productivity. Therefore, faculty members who have published a paper in a journal indexed in Scopus or Web of Science for current academic year are eligible to claim a monetary incentive (subject to limited funding) for each paper. If the paper has been published in Scopus, the applicant should ensure that his publication is appearing in “Scopus author preview” list prior to applying for IC.